Leandra Lambert

Leandra Lambert

(Rio de Janeiro 1974)

Leandra Lambert is a Brazilian sonic-walker and multimedia artist in activity since 2009. Experimental/electronic composer and performer since the first half of the 1990s. Her first solo exhibition was “Danças Atlânticas” (Atlantic Dances) at CCJF – Rio de Janeiro (February-March, 2013), and the second solo show will be at IBEU Gallery, Rio, May 2016. Leandra took part in collective exhibitions, CD recordings, concerts, and other artistic and musical events in Brazil, France, USA, Cuba, Russia, Chile, and Norway. PhD Candidate in Arts in co-advisory at UERJ (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, with a PDSE Capes scholarship. Master in Fine Arts, with a Capes scholarship (UERJ). Filmmaking & Media College (UFF – Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Represented by the gallery/multimedia label TAL – Tech Art Lab.

As composer, performer and sound artist, she uses her voice and other people’s voices, electronic devices, texts, cut-up techniques, experimental methods, free improvisation, different kinds of technologies, altered field recordings, and small objects of common use. She won the first prize at the “III Latin-american Electroacoustic and Electronic Composition Competition Gustavo-Becerra Schmidt 2012” with the music Cortina de Ruínas (Curtain of Ruins). The music was made with sounds recorded and edited from a performance in a temporary site specific work in a public space. With an experimental background of projects and bands that mixed punk and post-punk with electronic technologies since the 90s, she also started to work with sound art and multimedia in 2009.

I investigate and work with sound, voice and words; traces left by bodies; territories, disappearances and absences; the memory and the environment; History-fiction relations; free and forced transits. The practice of soundwalks that induce to a state of “derangement of all senses” is an important part of the process. I seek to develop a poetic in which I intend to mix the experience, the memory, the imagination, the history, and the myths of each place, with a political approach.

